Having started his career in VFX, AJ’s content creation history allows him to have a thorough understanding of the asset development pipeline needed for high-quality VAD work, whereas his Data Wrangling background gives him intimate knowledge into on-set operations, technology tools of the trade, and setiquette. In his time at Magnopus, he’s sharpened his technological skillset, supervising software engineering teams and UI/UX designers, producing the default set of VR Scouting and Vcam tools within Unreal Engine. AJ’s ultimate goal is to help content creators and filmmakers find ways of leveraging real-time assets through the Virtual Production pipeline and beyond into the next internet.

AJ Sciutto

Director of Virtual Production

AJ has been leading the Virtual Production charge for as long as Magnopus has been doing Virtual Production. 

As Director of Virtual Production at Magnopus, he currently oversees the development, operations, and execution of every Vprod project for the company - with one of his most notable works producing the virtual production system used to shoot Disney’s The Lion King.

For press enquiries, get in touch.

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